LANGUAGES AND ACCENTS Over the years I have produced descriptions of 13 languages, 4 English accents, 10 Spanish accents, a blog on language learning, and a glossary of the 50 most useful technical terms - a total of about 300 files. I have now saved this body of work as an Archive, and will not update it. I will however keep it accessible on this website for as long as I have capacity, though since I am of an advanced age that may not be for long. You can see a list of the Archive contents here. The Archive is free to download, and I have placed it in the public domain, making it reusable without restriction and without charge. Be aware that some of the files in the Archive contain material from other suppliers, whose copyright must be respected - read their stuff carefully. Likewise, I hereby revoke any statements in the Archive asserting that it is copyright Derek Rogers and may not be reproduced. Use this link to download your own copy of this Archive, so that you can consult it whenever you wish; tell the system to 'save the file' if it asks. Downloads don't always work, however, and are a nightmare to sort out, so if the Archive doesn't download, email me at to ask for it. --The Archive will be delivered to you as a single file called ''. You can store it where you like on your computer. Calling it '.xyz' prevents your computer from unzipping it automatically into its 300 component files at the time you download it, which you would not want. --When you're ready to use it, rename it as ''. It will then become an ordinary zip file. --Don't change any of the file-names, and don't change the relative positions of any of the files - they cross-refer to each other. Some pages in the Archive fail - some monstrously so - which is why I'm no longer supporting it. But it seems better to keep it accessible, warts and all, rather than to destroy it on the grounds that it isn't perfect.

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